Year 2 Term 3

Our learning this term
The current topic web for this term can be found below. It provides information about the topics children will cover in each subject area. 
Wolseley Centre
On Thursday 13th June, Year 2 visited Wolseley Centre, linked to their Science learning about living things and their habitats. They learnt about food chains, found minibeasts in a variety of microhabitats and predicted the habitats that they would see this afternoon. We managed to dodge the rain and had a brilliant day!
Art lessons
In Art lessons, using only primary colours, black and white to experiment with, Year 2 have been creating green shades and tints, linking to William Morris's artwork. 
Library Visit 
We had a wonderful visit to the library. All children were able to engage in a range of activities, borrow a book and meet the library dog! 
In Year 2, the children have been very busy, working hard on their sewing skills in their final DT lessons of the year. They have concentrated on creating their own pouches, which they will be decorating this afternoon. They also used the Chromebooks to type up instructions for how to create a pouch. Looking forward to seeing the finished products!