Community Involvement

St Michael’s is a Church of England school and has very strong links with St Michael’s church. We visit each term for our worship as well as performing our Christmas, Easter and End of year services in church. Each week a member of the church comes into school to take worship. Once a term members of the church are invited to have their lunch with the children.

Please click on the link below to take you to St. Michael's Church website:

We consider our children’s family to be very important to helping our children be happy in school and we invite parents and grandparents to have their lunch with their child once per term as well as inviting them termly to share a lesson with their child.

At St Michael’s we are proud of our music. The choir love to visit the community of Penkridge and have performed in the Market, at the local supermarket and at a sheltered housing association. 

The children have an ongoing partnership with Malinda Primary in Kenya. This link has enhanced our pupils understanding of differences and similarities in education and lifestyles so that our children will grow up to be caring global citizens.

Each Year, St Michael's pupils join the Remembrance procession and present a wreath at the cenotaph. We have also been proud to take part in other local initiatives such as the poppy display at the local Methodist Church and the interactive village trail. 
During the COVID-19 outbreak, pupils created art work for local businesses including the Katherine House Hospice. The school also collected for the local food bank during that difficult period.