Extra Curricular Clubs

At St Michael's we offer a variety of extra curricular clubs across the year. Due to COVID restrictions, these are currently offered within children's normal class bubbles. Take a look below at some of the exciting things children have been up to this term after school. 
Tag Rugby
Mrs Sharman has been running Tag Rugby this term, and invited parents in to watch the children play, and to see how well they have progressed.
Art Club- Year 4 
To begin our Art Club, we used mirrors and pencils to create self-portraits. Art Club looked carefully at the details on their face and hair, and in the clothes they were wearing.
Looking at the pictures, can you guess who is in Art Club?
We used paint and polystyrene sheets to design our own prints. Some of us used multiple colours or overlapped the print to create effective artwork.
Computing Club - Year 3
For our first week of Computing club, we designed our own avatars.
Take a look at the selection of avatars we created.
Can you guess some of the members of our club?
We enjoyed developing our coding skills on Purple Mash by completing various magician and superhero activities!