Collective Worship

Each half term, pupils are asked to consider the upcoming values for worship and give suggestions for the collective worship planning. All year groups engage in this process and are encouraged to make reference to scripture as part of the planning process. These suggestions are then used by Ms Cahalan and Rev. Greg to develop the worship plan for the half term. 
Each class plan and deliver at least one whole school worship during the year and pupils in each class take the lead in class worship each week. In addition, pupils enjoy engaging in adult- led, whole school worship through reflection, prayer, acting, asking and answering questions, sharing ideas and song.
Worship is organised as follows: 
Day Worship Type Lead Adult
Monday Whole school collective worship  Ms Cahalan
Tuesday Class Worship  Class Teachers 
Wednesday Whole school collective worship  Teacher 
Thursday Whole school collective worship  Church Representative
Friday Whole school celebration worship   Ms Cahalan
Reflecting on Collective Worship 
What impact did today's worship have on you? 
  • It may help me face my fears 
  • It showed me I've got a lot of fight in me and it told me not to give up 
  • It helps us to believe in ourselves during difficult times 
  • To know I can do great things